Monday, January 11, 2016

Week 49 - We're Having a Baby!!!

                                                                                                                                  January 11, 2016

Haha! We are so excited! Sister Meleisea and I will both be staying in Bracebridge and training a new missionary together! Tripanionship! We were so afraid when the phone started ringing, but almost over-joyed when we actually go the news! We are looking forward to an exciting transfer! 

This week, while finishing our weekly planning, we were talking about goals for this next transfer. This past transfer, our two goals were to work hard and have fun. We talked about adding one more to it. Work hard, have fun, and baptize. As we talked about it, the spirit filled the room, and filled our hearts. We know we can do it, and we can do it this transfer! We are excited and anxious to get to work with our new companion! :) 

This week was good! A little slower... But still great! We were able to have some great lessons with those that we are working with! The Bracebridge ward is really special! The Bishop and his councilors have decided to plan a HUGE ward temple trip for September 24th. (I keep telling them that I might just have to fly back and meet them all there at the temple! :)) They want everyone in the ward to go- primary kids included! The goal is to make it really feel like a family event, and to invite all to attend. Bishop and his councilors are encouraging all members, active or not, to begin preparing now. Pray and think about things that you can improve on so that you will be more worthy and more prepared to attend when the time comes. This has been great. Everyone in the ward is getting motivated to change and be better! Along with this, we had a really great lesson with a LA, now returning member! The Bishop suggested we stop by and start visiting with this sister. In our second visit, we talked all about the temple and the upcoming temple trip. We found out that she has never been to the temple before, and invited her to join with the ward! She happily accepted, and agreed to allow us to help her prepare! Time is always a bit of an issue for her, so teaching in the Lord's way has been just what she has needed! We are so happy! The work is moving forward. 

We were also able to get in contact with, and good standing with a Part Member Family here in Bracebridge! The father has been inactive for yeas, and the mother is not a member, but is Hindu and from Guyana! (Leave it to me to find the one Hindu person in a small and very white town! :)) The first time we stopped by, only the father was home. We had a quick chat with him and exchanged numbers. The second time we stopped by- because no one was answering the phone, only the mother was home! She invited us in and we were able to talk to her for close to 30 or 40 minutes! We small talked for a little, and then started asking her about her religious beliefs! She is Hindu, but doesn't remember too much of the basic beliefs since she has not been able to worship anywhere with the closes Hindu temple being in Toronoto. But, she commented that she will often go to a Christian church to worship, and shared her testimony of God and praying with us. She also told us of how 3 of her siblings are members of the church back home. We believe she is prepared! We will be visiting them together this Saturday, and hope to come out of the meeting with a new investigator, and a new returning member, and eyes set on the temple and an Eternal Family! 

With the temple focus, I was asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday! Guess what I was asked to speak on? Temples! Yahoo! I relayed how wonderful it was to be speaking on temples since it was close to a year ago I spoke in my own home ward about temples prior to entering the mission field! When I first got the assignment, I thought I might actually just pull out that talk and use it- cheating? Maybe, but hey! It was a great talk! :) Anyways, that was the plan until I got up that morning and felt like there were other things I needed to share. I was only asked to talk for 10 minutes, so I decided to share more personal stories on the temple. The temple is truly a wonderful place! I am so grateful for it. I have been so blessed to attend the temple multiple times on the mission. It is truly the Lord's house and a wonderful place to receive revelation and guidance! (If all works out and the 3 of us make it to the end of this transfer still together, then we will be able to go to the temple again for a 6 week follow-up meeting with our new one! :D) I am grateful for those in my life that have helped me to gain a testimony of temples. I would not have the testimony that I have today if it were not for church leaders, parents, and other family and friends that have always made it a focus! :) 

If there is one thing I would have to say I learned this transfer from Sister Meleisea, it would be to use the talents that you have been blessed with. Friday we had a zone meeting, and I was blessed to be asked to play the piano!Sunday, before talking, Sister Meleisea and I were able to perform a special musical number for the ward. She sang "How Great Thou Art," and I accompanied her! (I admitted to the ward after that I was more nervous for the piano playing than I was for the talk I was about to give! They chuckled. I think I'm funny sometimes :)) We sing often at member's homes to help them feel the spirit after sharing a meal with them. And, the list could go on and on. As I have been using these talents, even though I am not confident in them, I have been able to sense a hint of improvement! It's wonderful! I am excited to continue and see where it takes me! AND! Since we are staying here, Sister Meleisea and I, and hopefully our new companion, will be doing an Island dance for the Ward Talent Show this Saturday! ... We will have to learn quickly, but it should be fun! :D

Canada Weather. It is crazy. We had rain for a couple of days, and then last night, in the span of 20 minutes, it went from 3 above and raining, to 3 below and snowing. Flash freeze! Scary stuff! Always an adventure though- that's for sure! We pray for safety all day everyday. God is watching out for us, and I am grateful for that!  

Well, I love you! I hope you have a great week! Stay warm and pray lots! :) 

Much love, Sister Robison! 

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