Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Week 59 - Costa Rica....... Say What!!!

                                                                                                                                      March 21, 2016
Well, looks like you are all having fun in Costa Rica! Can I join next time? ;) 

We've had another really good week! We saw a lot of miracles. So much that I could say and could write that I don't even know where to start! Ahh! Well, I guess I could start out by saying that, with the Lord's help (because we can't do anything without the Lord's help, especially in HIS work) we were able to achieve the Standards of Excellence this week! It was a wonderful blessing! We are working hard, and more than anything, it is neat to see the progress in those that we are working with! 

Being in a small and old branch, we've been praying a lot to find young families. Something neat is that a majority of the potentials we have, as well as many of the new investigators we've found recently have been pretty young! This week we started teaching 2 young moms! We are hoping to get their husband/boyfriends involved soon as well! We told Tiffany and Mike, our investigators, and they're pretty excited as well! :) 

We had a really good lesson with our investigator Roger this past week. (He is the 77 yr old man who is very Catholic!) We basically sat down and asked him a TON of inspired questions. Some of the things we said were probably pretty bold and direct...But, the spirit was there and we all walked away feeling good about the lesson. Roger is doing well. He is actually now progressing! He, like Bob, has a lot of concerns. But, as he has been reading from The Book of Mormon, as well as specifically praying, it seems that he has been able to resolve a lot of  his own concerns! It is cool to see the spirit working with others. I hope Bob will take some time to read and pray about it as well! The Book of Mormon and the Prophet Joseph Smith are at the hearts of our testimonies, and are almost always at the heart of any concerns any one might have. 

You know those days where you are just exhausted from everything you have done in the previous week? It's one of those days! Haha :) It's been a good week. We've been working hard and having a lot of fun while doing it. As we continue to work harder and harder, it becomes easier to be open to the small promptings of the spirit. Heavenly Father blesses us as we seek to humble ourselves and do His will! It's the best. It makes missionary work the best. I am definitely no pro at anything in missionary work.. But! Having the spirit with us makes up for that :) 

Good things are to come. It is exciting! :) Enjoy yourselves this week! Be safe! Read your scriptures often! God loves you and so do I! :) 

Sister Robison 

PONDERIZE: 2 Nephi 2:6-8

PS, NATE! You're so old! 22! I told my companion you were old and she punched me... her 22nd birthday is in 6 months.. hehe :) 
Karly! Happy Birthday to you too! 16! What! You're still in diapers right? jokes. That is crazy. Everyone is growing up on me! It's bitter sweet. .. What a big year for our family! Fun fun fun! Babies, marriages, missionaries, university for Kelly, driving an dating for Karly. Woah. Well, I'll end my rambles now. Love you! :) 

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